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YMonday, June 08, 2009
Blog revival.

Uh, same old boring routine everyday.
Just felt like blogging sudden random stuffs.

1) I swear not to eat cold medicine when my brain still has to function from now on. Because it will cause brain freeze up to 1234984531987643546years.

2) This, being a totally random and meaningless post, will cause people to die from boredom.

3) What is wrong with me today??

4) Oh, yeah. watched Arashi's Time~kotoba no chikara~ just now. Nothing much to say. Except that its GREAT and COOL and SUPER. But what do you expect? They're Johnny's. =D

5) This moot parliament thing im researching on right now is further killing my already-dead brain cells. so yeah. yay.

6)I cant breathe.blocked nose. Damn.

7) Im trying hard not to fall asleep as im typing this right now.

巡り 巡る 時代の途中で何度人を好きになれるのだろう?


And then Sho said something i'll never forget.
"あの時、空いてる席見て 悔しくて、悔しくて止まりません。
でも今こんなにいっぱいなお客集まってもらいと見ると 嬉しくて 嬉しくて"

It feels great to work hard for something and then finally getting the results that you want in the end doesn't it? I wonder when will i ever get to feel that way.


i just love PURPLE!
Monday, June 08, 2009

YTuesday, October 28, 2008
Was tagged by zx. And I was bored. So...

Rule 1: People who have tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new new question.

Rule 2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag back the person but to continue this with other people.
1. Do you have secrets?
- Uh huh. Who dosen't? (although it dosen't really count as a secret.. but still..)

2. Would you fall in love with a boy older than you?
- Yeah.

3. Do you enjoy going school?
- Yes! LOL Because it's fun(ny) xD

4. What will you do with a billion dollars?
- I might save some of it. And some of it to charity. The rest? JE!!!
Yeah, and then go Japan.

5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend's stead?
- Maybe..? Not that any of us are in any relationships now though. -.-

6. If you have to choose one person between your best friend and boyfriend, who will you choose?
- Best friend

7. List out your 20 favorite songs:
02. Sotsugyou~sayonara wa ashita no tame ni~ - Tackey&tsubasa
03. Gomen ne Juliet - Yamashita Tomohisa(yamapi)
04. Love song - NewS(?) Yamapi..?
05. Kurage ; Nagareboshi - Otsuka Ai
06. Real Face - KAT-TUN
07. Everyheart - BoA
08. Can't Help Falling In Love - A*Teens
09. Eien ni(the sc version) lol - YAMAJIMA!
10. Seishun Amigo - YAMAJIMA!/ kame+yamapi =)
11. Koi uta - Tackey&Tsubasa
12. Love so Sweet - ARASHI
13. 7 things - um..? lol
14. Truth - ARASHI
15. Kaze no mukou e - ARASHI
16. Bouken Rider - Hey!Say!JUMP
17. Tobira no mukou - H!S!J
18. Shin.Gi.Tai - H!S!J
19. Wish - Sowelu(?)
20. Maria - 200pounds Beauty
(and yes, I'm bias. names in red are all JE songs. HAHA)

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what will you do?
- Um..? I.Have no idea. -.-

9. Is there something that has made you extremely happy?
- Has there been any? yes. Right now? no.

10. Who is your favorite singer/actor?

11. How do you see yourself 10 years ago?
- Lil' kid 'cause i'm only like 5? LOL

12. Who is currently the most important person to you?
- Everyone's equal, yeah? peace!♥ LOL

13. What is the most important thing in your life?
- Food! LOL joking. Friends.

14. Which is important? Family or Career?
- Family!!! =D

15. What is your favorite color?
- Lavender/ or Light purple

16. Would you give your all in a relationship?
- Never been in one. But i guess i would.

17. If two different person fall in love with you, who will you choose?
- ...that. will never happen.

18. Would you forgive the person who betrayed you?
- Maybe. But it'd probably depend.

19. What will you tell to the person you love?
-"suki. dai dai daisuki!" hee=D

20. Five person I tagged:
1. yujun
2. shimin
3. huiting
4. -
5. - any one else who wants tuh do it.
Why are there so many qns on relationships??? LOL

Scrap Teacher ep 3 is too cute! HAHA. Although I still don't see any storyline at all. BUT! As long as there's yamajima, I don't really mind. And anyway, It's becoming nicer by the episode. =DDD

Ryosuke + kendo =


i just love PURPLE!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

YSaturday, October 25, 2008
Yes, i died again watching this today. ♥
Mayonaka no shadow boy(again), performed by the 4 JUMP members in the Scrap Teacher cast, Yamada Ryosuke♥, Nakajima Yuto♥, Chinen Yuri and Arioka Daiki. With the rest of JUMP as back dancers.
No, I'm not joking.
They're even wearing the pinkish StarTime outfits, and the screen time they got were only a few seconds. Poor them.

EDIT: okay, so the video had some problems. I removed it.


i just love PURPLE!
Saturday, October 25, 2008

YFriday, October 24, 2008
Kay, continue from previous post.



*blow kiss* ♥ love this. LOL


yujun and meee

LOL. tsk tsk tsk. use toilet never close door. @o@



lastly, yujun! acting as a celebrity, determined to get away from her crazed fans! Complete with a batman mask!

MAYONAKA NO SHADOW BOY. Music station performance!(Darn. and animx had to stop airing MS)

Hey! Say! JUMP - Hey! Say! JUMP

Do you know how many times i died just watching this?♥

Yeah!! And they're gonna have yet another concert. Only this time, it's sorta like a countdown concert. Or a winter concert. Or you can also say it's a concert tour. Yup! my 10 beloved boys are growing up! *sobs* LOL joking.

But, yes! 2008's a GREAT year for JUMP. GO JUMP!!! i wanna go see their concert!!! T_T


2008's been a really great year for me too. Yes, i'm gonna say this, although it's not the end of the year yet.

I'm saying this, 'cause school's officially ended yesterdaybut because i was too lazy to update yesterday, i'm gonna say this now(but we'll have to go back for bridging =.=)and this is kind of a reflection for the "year". So yeah. I'll probably repeat this again on December31, though. xD


2008 has been the best year for me, in the whole 3 years of my secondary school years. Not that the past 2 years weren't good. They were good too, but this year was BETTER. I LOVE THIS YEAR.

Reasons mostly being... finding JE fans!

And also making yujun a fan of JE. HAHAHA

But...this year...was really REALLY fast. Like... "zooom~" and it's over. It still felt like this year's just started and now ... it's over already?!

Maybe next time, some great scientist's gonna find out that the earth is spinning twice as fast as it used to be. IfWhen that happens, remember this post people. I said it first! LOL =)

THERE! You have NO IDEA how happy I am to have finished this post. Because "windows has encountered a problem and has to...blah blah blah" , i had to close my window every five minutes. Believe me, i took over an hour to finish this post.
It took much commitment and perseverence to complete this. LOL

KAY. ja ne~


i just love PURPLE!
Friday, October 24, 2008

YWednesday, October 22, 2008
Today went out with YuJun!~ Hahas.
Went orchard, and took concert dvd from my aunt!!
=D wooh! Walked around, went kino and hmv

Then took neoprints! yay
-to be continued- LOL com lagggg xP


i just love PURPLE!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

YFriday, October 17, 2008
It sucks. 'Kay larh, actually. Not bad, 'cause get to sleep in.

Went out today to celebrate brother's birthday. Cp. LOL
Ate at the curry...something place that just opened(?)
So, anyway. We ordered this salad. The sauce was sour.
After the meal, there was still some 'sour sauce' left. My dad then
decided to play a game. LOL
sicssors paper stone.
The loser would have to eat drink a
small um. tablespoon of the sauce.
I won. LOL All three times.
HAHA. So funny lah. hehs =D
His look was priceless when he drank it.

JUMP performed on MS again today. For the millionth(LOL) time, WHY DOES ANIMAX HAVE TO STOP AIRING MS!!!!


i just love PURPLE!
Friday, October 17, 2008

YFriday, October 10, 2008
I had not planned to update today. BUT,
because JUMP(ryosuke♥. and yuto, to be exact) is hot. And cute.
I cant help it. So now,

it's dark. and sort of emo emo type. BUT
it has all the SUPER COOL elements in it that makes people
watch it over and over and over without getting tired.
By 'super cool' i mean yamada ryosuke♥ sitting in a chair.
on the bed. with hats on. and singing. =D
about this 'cherry~' person.
I love this pv and i'm buying the single. seriously.

next. ok.
went out with zx yesterday.
First, waited 15 minutes at Douby for her. LOL
Then when she came, we went orchard.
Because I was STILL a 'road idiot', zx led the way.
Then I found out she was actually doing
"trial an error" to get to know the place better.
Wow. LOL xD

We finally arrived at Kinokuniya.
Where I was torn between buying
winkup, duet, or potato. Ended up buying duet. And potato. LOL
Then we went searching for Japanese dictionaries.
And we stood there for like. Um.
Quite awhile, looking through them.
And laughing. And talking randomly. xD
There was this one two books I liked a lot.
But didn't buy.
Cause. There were not many words for it to cost so much.

Um. After that...we went to the food court and ate-well,
zx ate, while I sat there and looked through my mags.
(ryosuke has PACS! OMG. And he's only 15.
And he's so good looking. I'm not making sense. LOL)

So anyway, after she ate, we went around looking at random
stuff and saying random things. Then. We nearly went down
on the 'up' escalator. This man was staring at us like we're mad
or something. =x

Went um. bugis? Took neos. YAY!
And we saw APPLE. LOL the forbidden fruit.
Oh yes! And I saw this cute pair of earmuffs.
OMG. It's really really cute. The price wasn't, though.
'Kay. Ending here. Now, I'll go drool over the pv again.
LOL jk


i just love PURPLE!
Friday, October 10, 2008


"shadow" "shadow? ♥"

Y The Girl

Age: FIFTEEN!! 15
Horoscope: Leo
Birthday: o6o8'93
School: KongHwa
Underline, Bold, Strike, Italiac

Y Loves

#3 Hey!Say!JUMP♥
#4 JE!☺
#5 The sky...
#6 Night sky. LOL
#7 Stars*w*
#9 The..sea?
#10 EVERYONE! Yeah!♥ lol

Y Leave.A.Note?


Y Past

Y Credits