Ahem Ahem!
-Attention please-
I'm gonna revive my once dead blog. Lol
Hmm..okays. Erhs.
Since i've not posted for dunno how long, i'm gonna make this a long long post. i'm trying tu cut down on the short-forms too, to make it even longer =)
P0st fer 28 April:-
Went grandma house today. My drove his car into the carpark, and parked his car. He opened the car door n looked out, closing it, he say "...there's a dead cat." Then i was like. Ewww.
(we r directly on top of it lorh...)
so then, he parked his car all the way tu the otherside of the parking lot. -.-
(oh yeah, we passed the poor dead cat. Its a lump of. Fur? Its black. And furry. And there're houseflies. LOTS of houseflies)
So anyway, we went up tu grandma hse. And studied the (poor) dead, probably rotten, cat from afar. Mostly bcos of the stench. Plus the fact that we(I) cnt stand the close-up of a rotten,dead cat. ><
Uncle arrived. He parked his car on top of that rotten dead cat too. Had to call him to tell him to change the position of his car.
His baby is..1 yr old =). So cute!! Oh yeah, she's wearing purple! keke xD
kawaii ^^

hmm..then. Played with cousins

oh yeah, by the way, this picture was taken by my 3yr old cousin. 0.o clever huh?
he moved. T-T
erhs. gtg. will update more next time =) nightx